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Very rarely occurs due to duty.180 Amnesia: Occurs when a sailor has been deployed and selective memory is desired to deal with questions asked by his or her significant other. "We've been home from cruise for 8 months and we still have Abu Dhabi Cokes in the vending machines!" (More common synonym: Hadji.)Acey Deucey Club: A recreational facility that serves alcohol for first and second class petty officers, or any Enlisted Club that caters mostly to First and Second Class Petty Officers, but still allows all enlisted personnel. Also, a board and dice game akin to Backgammon.. "They have a right to privacy," said Brandt Hawley. "This is cheap jerseys a controversial matter and they want their privacy protected. It is a group. The Club, therefore, through its elected Committee, extended hospitality to the representatives of various convictions, without in any degree committing members of the Club to an endorsement of the views expressed by its guests. Memb...